Commands Information

SoMoE-19 features a row of chat commands you can use to quickly access certain features. Overall there are 38 chat commands, 15 Public Commands and 23 Admin Commands.

Admin Commands

General commands

sm_maprr / !maprr

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (mapchange)
Reloads the currently running map

sm_rr / !rr

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Restarts the current round

Match commands

sm_start / !start

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Starts a match

sm_matchrr / !matchrr

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Stops and restarts the current match

sm_pause / !pause | sm_p / !p

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Pauses a running match

sm_unpause / !unpause | sm_unp / !unp | sm_up / !up

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Unpauses a match

sm_stop / !stop

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z) or SoccerMod Admin (match)
Stops a running match

sm_forcerdy / !forcerdy

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Forces every player to be 'ready' if the readycheck is enabled and the match was paused

sm_forceunp / !forceunp

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Forces the match to unpause if the readycheck is enabled, regardless of individual ready states

Misc commands

sm_addadmin / !addadmin

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Arguments: <#steamid> <flags> <clientname>
Add an admin to the admins_simple.ini file

sm_dpass / !dpass

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Reset the server password to the default value set in your server.cfg

sm_gksetup / !gksetup

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Opens a panel to set or change the gk areas of the current map.

sm_pass / !pass

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Arguments: <password>
Set a custom server password

sm_rpass / !rpass

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Sets a randomly generated server password

sm_spray / !spray

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z)
Re-Move the spraylogo you're looking at. (Actually gets moved to another position)

sm_ungk / !ungk

Requires: GENERIC-flag (b or z)
Arguments: <target>
Remove the gk skin of your target. DOES NOT set the gk skin on a target that is not using a skin.

sm_wiperanks / !wiperanks

Requires: RCON-flag (m or z)
Sets every value in the stats database for every entry to 0. THIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE! USE WITH CAUTION OR MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!

sm_jumptime / !jumptime

Requires: ROOT-flag (z)
Arguments: <time>
Set the time before you can use +duck after jumping again. Default: 0.45.

Public Commands

Menu commands

sm_menu / !menu

Opens the Soccer Mod main menu

sm_pick / !pick

Re-opens the Soccer Mod pick menu after a capfight

sm_stats / !stats

Opens the Soccer Mod statistics menu

sm_pos / !pos

Opens the Soccer Mod positions menu

sm_help / !help

Opens the Soccer Mod help menu

sm_admins / !admins

Opens a menu to display the currently active admins, separated into different lists

sm_commands / !commands

Opens the Soccer Mod commandlist menu

sm_info / !info

Opens the Soccer Mod credits menu

General commands

sm_gk / !gk

Toggles the Goalkeeper skin

sm_rdy / !rdy

Re-opens the Readycheck panel if its enabled and the game was paused

sm_lc / !lc | sm_late / !late

Displays an accurate numbered list of players. People leaving will only be completely removed from their position after being away for a specified timeframe. If a player leaves he won't be visible on the list and only reappear if he rejoins.

sm_pick / !pick

(Re-)Opens the cap pick menu.

sm_rank / !rank

Prints your match rank in the chat

sm_prank / !prank

Prints your public rank in the chat

sm_forfeit / !forfeit

Starts a forfeit vote if forfeits are enabled

sm_profile <name> / !profile <name>

Opens the steamprofile of the target in the MOTD window

sm_spec me/all/<name> / !spec me/all/<name>

Specs players depending on the given argument.
'me'    specs yourself
'all'   specs everyone
<name>  specs your target (e.g. !spec MK99 will spec the player with MK99 in his name)