
General Information

soccer_mod.cfg is the main config file for SoMoE-19 and is used to save your settings for almost every part of the plugin. Almost all of the settings can be changed ingame and a manual edit is usually not necessary.

It is divided into different sections for different aspects of the plugin

whereas the titles should be pretty self-explanatory. Below you will find more information about each of the sections and its settings.

soccer_mod.cfg Sections

Admin Settings

As the name suggests this section features settings that only admins can change ingame.

"Admin Settings"
        "soccer_mod_pubmode"          "1"
        "soccer_mod_passwordlock"     "1"
        "soccer_mod_passwordlock_max" "12"
        "soccer_mod_afk_time"         "100.000000"
        "soccer_mod_afk_menu"         "20"
        "soccer_mod_matchlog"         "0"


Every key in this section is changeable ingame, so there is no need to edit them manually.

  • soccer_mod_pubmode controls the accessability of the admin portion of the menu (Allowed values: 0 - Admin only, 1 - Public Cap/Match access, 2 - Public menu).

  • soccer_mod_passwordlock controls the automatic serverlock when a cap is started (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On).

  • soccer_mod_passwordlock_max controls the number of players that has to be reached before the lock takes effect.

  • soccer_mod_afk_time controls the number of seconds before AFK players see the AFK-Kick captcha menu.

  • soccer_mod_afk_menu controls the number of seconds the captcha menu is displayed

  • soccer_mod_matchlog controls whether SoMoE-19 should keep track of game events in a log file(Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On).

Chat Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the plugins chat messages.

"Chat Settings"
        "soccer_mod_prefix"               "Soccer Mod"
        "soccer_mod_textcolor"            "lightgreen"
        "soccer_mod_prefixcolor"          "green"
        "soccer_mod_mvp"                  "1"
        "soccer_mod_deadchat_mode"        "0"
        "soccer_mod_deadchat_visibility"  "0"


Every key in this section is changeable ingame, so there is no need to edit them manually. In case of the colorselection it is even advised to do this ingame as you can access a menu with every valid colorname there.

  • soccer_mod_prefix controls the prefix every plugin related chatmessage will display. The given value will always be enclosed by brackets “[Soccer Mod]”.

  • soccer_mod_textcolor controls the color of the text of every plugin related chatmessage. There are exceptions where this is not the case.

  • soccer_mod_prefixcolor controls the color of the prefix for every plugin related chatmessage. Above mentioned exceptions may show the full message in the prefixcolor.

  • soccer_mod_mvp controls whether SoMoE-19 will display messages about MVPs in the chat (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On).

  • soccer_mod_deadchat_mode controls whether messages written by dead players or spectators are visible to everyone (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On, 2 - On, if sv_alltalk 1).

  • soccer_mod_deadchat_visibility controls who can see the messages written by dead players or spectators (Allowed values: 0 - Default, 1 - Teammates only, 2 - Everyone).

Match Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to matches.

"Match Settings"
        "soccer_mod_match_periods"              "2"
        "soccer_mod_match_period_length"        "900"
        "soccer_mod_match_period_break_length"  "60"
        "soccer_mod_match_golden_goal"          "1"
        "soccer_mod_teamnamect"                 "CT"
        "soccer_mod_teamnamet"                  "T"
        "soccer_mod_match_readycheck"           "1"


Every key in this section is changeable ingame, so there is no need to edit them manually.

  • soccer_mod_match_periods controls the number of periods a match will consist of.

  • soccer_mod_match_period_length controls the number of seconds a match period will take.

  • soccer_mod_match_period_break_length controls the number of seconds the break between periods will take.

  • soccer_mod_match_golden_goal controls whether a draw after the full time will result in a golden goal.

  • soccer_mod_teamnamect controls the CT teams name shown in messages.

  • soccer_mod_teamnamet controls the T teams name shown in messages.

  • soccer_mod_match_readycheck controls whether pausing the game will require every player to set their state to ready before unpausing the game is possible (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - Automatic unpause if everyone is ready, 2 - Manual unpause is possible as soon as everyone is ready).

Match Info

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the match info message when a match is started.

"Match Info"
        "soccer_mod_period_info"        "1"
        "soccer_mod_break_info"         "1"
        "soccer_mod_golden_info"        "1"
        "soccer_mod_forfeit_info"       "1"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitset_info"    "0"
        "soccer_mod_matchlog_info"      "0"


Every key in this section is changeable ingame, so there is no need to edit them manually.

Each value can either be 0 - Off or 1 - On.

  • soccer_mod_period_info controls the display of the period length in the message.

  • soccer_mod_break_info controls the display of the break length in the message.

  • soccer_mod_golden_info controls the display of the golden goal toggle in the message.

  • soccer_mod_forfeit_info controls the display of the forfeit vote toggle in the message.

  • soccer_mod_forfeitset_info controls the display of the forfeit settings in the message.

  • soccer_mod_matchlog_info controls the display of the matchlog toggle in the message.

Forfeit Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the toggle-able forfeit vote.

"Forfeit Settings"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitvote"        "0"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitscore"       "8"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitpublic"      "0"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitautospec"    "0"
        "soccer_mod_forfeitcapmode"     "0"


Every key in this section is changeable ingame, so there is no need to edit them manually.

  • soccer_mod_forfeitvote controls whether the forfeit vote is enabled.

  • soccer_mod_forfeitscore controls the number of goals one teams has to be in front before a vote is possible.

  • soccer_mod_forfeitpublic controls who is allowed to start a vote (Allowed values: 0 - Admins, 1 - Everyone).

  • soccer_mod_forfeitautospec controls if all players should be automatically put to spectator after a successful vote.

  • soccer_mod_forfeitcapmode controls whether a vote is only possible during cap matches.

Misc Settings

This section features miscellaneous settings that do not fit into any of the other sections.

"Misc Settings"
        "soccer_mod_health_godmode"     "1"
        "soccer_mod_respawn_delay"      "10.000000"
        "soccer_mod_blockdj_enable"     "1"
        "soccer_mod_blockdj_time"               "0.45"
        "soccer_mod_kickoffwall"                "0"
        "soccer_mod_damagesounds"       "0"
        "soccer_mod_dissolver"          "2"
        "soccer_mod_joinclass"          "0"
        "soccer_mod_hostname"           "1"
        "soccer_mod_rrchecktime"        "90.0"
        "soccer_mod_loaddefaults"       "1"
        "soccer_mod_killfeed"           "0"
        "soccer_mod_celebrate"                  "0"
        "soccer_mod_first12"            "0"
        "soccer_mod_otcount"            "1"
        "soccer_mod_otfinal"            "1"
        "soccer_mod_otsound1"           "buttons/bell1.wav"
        "soccer_mod_otsound2"           "ambient/misc/brass_bell_f.wav"


Most keys in this section are changeable ingame. Exceptions are soccer_mod_health_godmode and soccer_mod_respawn_delay which usually should not be changed at all.

  • soccer_mod_health_godmode controls whether players can kill each other with the ball or knives.

  • soccer_mod_respawn_delay controls the number of seconds it takes before a player respawns (after joining a running game or if he used the kill-command).

  • soccer_mod_blockdj_enable controls whether duckjumps should be suppressed.

  • soccer_mod_blockdj_time controls after what timeframe ducking should be reallowed in the NEW mode.

  • soccer_mod_damagesounds controls whether the sound playing when a player is hit by the ball should be played or not. (Allowed values: 0 - No sound, 1 - Play sound).

  • soccer_mod_dissolver controls what happens to a players corpse (Allowed values: 0 - Default ragdoll, 1 - Remove ragdoll, 2 - Dissolve animation).

  • soccer_mod_joinclass controls whether players should see the class selection screen after joining a team.

  • soccer_mod_hostname controls whether SoMoE-19 should update the servers name under certain conditions (Cap started, Match running etc.)

  • soccer_mod_rrchecktime controls the number of seconds a player got to rejoin the server before it won’t be considered a “rr” in the connection list.

  • soccer_mod_loaddefaults controls whether SoMoE-19 should load default mapvalues in its soccer_mod_mapdefaults.cfg file.

  • soccer_mod_killfeed controls whether SoMoE-19 will block or allow the killfeed messages in the upper right corner.

  • soccer_mod_celebrate controls whether alive players will receive weapons after scoring a goal. Alive players will be able to hurt each other in this mode.

  • soccer_mod_first12 controls if players in slot 13 and following are pickable by caps.

  • soccer_mod_otcount controls the type of overtime countdown. (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On, 2 - Sound only, 3 - Text only).

  • soccer_mod_otfinal controls if a sound is played when the overtime countdown ends. (Allowed values: 0 - Off, 1 - On).

  • soccer_mod_otsound1 sets the sound used for the countdown.

  • soccer_mod_otsound2 sets the sound used for the end of the countdown and should use a different sound.

( the sounds listed here should all work, except for sounds found in the ‘ui’ folder. Also any custom added sound can be used)

Sprint Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the sprint system.

"Sprint Settings"
        "soccer_mod_sprint_enable"      "1"
        "soccer_mod_sprint_speed"       "1.250000"
        "soccer_mod_sprint_time"        "3.000000"
        "soccer_mod_sprint_cooldown"    "7.500000"
        "soccer_mod_sprint_button"      "1"


These keys are not changeable ingame. If you want to change its settings you have to manually edit this file. However most people should be used to these settings so changes are not advised.

  • soccer_mod_sprint_enable controls whether players are able to sprint at all.

  • soccer_mod_sprint_speed controls the players speed while sprint is active.

  • soccer_mod_sprint_time controls the time a player will sprint.

  • soccer_mod_sprint_cooldown controls the time before a player will be able to sprint again.

  • soccer_mod_sprint_button controls whether players will be able to sprint by using the +use button. This does not affect !sprint at all.

Current Skins

As the name suggests, this sections features the currently active skins.

"Current Skins"
        "soccer_mod_skins_model_ct"     "models/player/soccer_mod/termi/2011/away/ct_urban.mdl"
        "soccer_mod_skins_model_t"      "models/player/soccer_mod/termi/2011/home/ct_urban.mdl"
        "soccer_mod_skins_model_ct_gk"  "models/player/soccer_mod/termi/2011/gkaway/ct_urban.mdl"
        "soccer_mod_skins_model_t_gk"   "models/player/soccer_mod/termi/2011/gkhome/ct_urban.mdl"


These keys are changeable ingame and depend on the contents of your soccer_mod_skins.cfg file.

Each key determines the skin to use for either CT or T. It is also possible to set an individual Goalkeeper skin for both teams.

Stats Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the stats system.

"Stats Settings"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_goal"          "17"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_assist"        "12"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_own_goal"      "-10"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_hit"           "1"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_pass"          "5"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_interception"  "3"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_ball_loss"     "-3"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_save"          "6"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_round_won"     "10"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_round_lost"    "-10"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_mvp"           "15"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_points_motm"          "25"
        "soccer_mod_ranking_cdtime"               "300"
        "soccer_mod_gksaves_only"                 "0"
        "soccer_mod_rankmode"                     "0"


These keys are not changeable ingame. If you want to change its settings you have to manually edit this file. The default values were not thoroughly tested, so feel free to adjust them to your needs if needed.

Each key determines the number of points a player will receive when performing the given action. soccer_mod_ranking_points_save does require you to setup Goalkeeper Areas for every map in soccer_mod_GKAreas.cfg.

  • soccer_mod_ranking_cdtime controls the number of seconds players have to wait between using the !rank command.

  • soccer_mod_gksaves_only controls whether gk skin users are the only ones able to earn saves. If no player of the team is using the gk skin everyone of the team is able to earn saves inside the gk area.

  • soccer_mod_rankmode controls the ranking method (0 - pts/matches, 1 - pts/rounds, 2 - pts).

Training Settings

As the name suggests, this section features settings related to the stats system.

"Training Settings"
        "soccer_mod_training_model_ball"   "models/soccer_mod/ball_2011.mdl"
        "soccer_mod_training_advpwreq"     "0"
        "soccer_mod_training_advpw"        ""
        "soccer_mod_training_advresettime  "2.0"


These ballmodel key is not changeable ingame. If you want to change its settings you have to manually edit this file.

  • soccer_mod_training_model_ball controls which model should be used for the spawnable training ball.

  • soccer_mod_training_advpwreq controls whether the Advanced Training Menu requires a password to access it or not.

  • soccer_mod_training_advpw controls the password if the above setting is active.

  • soccer_mod_training_advresettime controls the time in seconds before a ball will autorespawn during the goaltarget training (if enabled).

Debug Settings

As the name suggests, this section features debug settings.

"Debug Settings"
        "soccer_mod_debug"                    "0"
        "soccer_mod_scoredebug"               "0"


These keys are not changeable ingame. If you want to change its settings you have to manually edit this file.

  • soccer_mod_debug controls whether debug mode is enabled or disabled. You should not need this option at all.

  • soccer_mod_scoredebug controls whether a ‘light’ debug mode is enabled or disabled. This option could help finding out what is causing the ‘scorer-bug’, but should not be needed usually.