General Information

SoMoE-19 creates different config files at its first start or whenever one of those files is missing. Overal there are 11 files that are generated and found in


whereas 3 of them are only used to store information and should not be edited manually.

Most other files can be edited manually, but only
  • soccer_mod_GKAreas.cfg

  • soccer_mod_mapdefaults.cfg

  • soccer_mod_skins.cfg

  • soccer_mod_downloads.cfg

have to be edited by opening them with a text-editor of your choice.

Every other file is editable ingame.

List of generated files

Main configuration controlling most toggles and settings.
Custom admin file to grant players access to certain admin features.
List of maps that should activate certain features of the plugin.
NO CONFIG - Storage for the selected positions of every player.
MANUAL CONFIG - Determines which files are downloaded to the clients when joining.
Determines the areas around a goal needed to allow tracking of saves. Setable from within the game.
NO CONFIG - Storage for matchlogs (if activated). Old logs will be moved to /sm_soccermod/logs.
MANUAL CONFIG - Set default values for period and breaklength per map.
Advanced control regarding automatic matchlog generation.
NO CONFIG - Storage for personal cannon settings of every client.
MANUAL CONFIG - Add skins that are selectable ingame form a menu in here.
MANUAL CONFIG - Add decals to be placed on maps in here.
Library of added and usable shouts on the server.


Every file got its own site in this documentation. Make sure to check them out if you’re having issues!