
This submenu can be used to change certain client settings. Most are resolving around the sprinting feature but you can also toggle whether you can hear shouts or see the grassreplacer.

The Sprintsettings consist of an additional submenu which features a short informational text, but is mostly used to enable or disable certain sprinting indicators such as:

  • Messages - Displays a chat message when you are sprinting, sprint ended or you can sprint again.

  • Progress Bar - Displays the defuse bar as a visual indicator for the sprint duration or cooldown.

  • Sound - Plays a sound when you activate sprint.

  • Timer - Adds a customizable numeric timer to your HUD.

The Timer also allows a range of customization. The position of the Timer is freely changeable and can be changed in the Timer Settings submenu. In this submenu is also another submenu called Color to freely adjust the timers color. The Option Display timer can be used to constantly display the timer while editing its color and position.